
Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

A team that defied expectations against good teams, baffled prognosticators and dropped winnable games against inferior opponents. A team that looked promising down the stretch, led by a semi-capable backup QB, before ultimately fading once the games lost meaning. A team surrounded by more questions than answers, a fan base surrounded by relocation rumours, discontent…

Credit: Jeff Curry-USA TODAY Sports

Mile High Feeling

Well, just like everybody predicted, the St. Louis Rams forced two Peyton Manning turnovers and nullified the high-flying Denver Broncos offence en route to a convincing 22-7 win that has become synonymous with the Rams’ season thus far. Not surprisingly, veteran QB Shaun Hill showed poise and patience, throwing for 220 yards and a long touchdown…

Credit: Jeff Curry, USA TODAY Sports

10 reasons to watch Sunday

Given the glut of bad news recently, I’m sure none of us would be surprised to find out that this is going to be a hard game for most fans to get up for. Even considering the fact that it’s a rematch against a hated division rival that embarrassed us last time we met (to…

Credit: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

Can’t Catch a Break

Can’t catch a break. When it rains, it pours. This happens every year. Whatever the clichĂ©, here we are: week 8 has just come to a close and, likely with it, whatever slight chance the Rams may have had at making a run at the playoffs. To be fair, it was a bit of a…

Cliff McBride/Getty Images)

A tale of two teams

Now that’s more like it. Sunday’s game brought us a team that was much more prepared. A team that made the plays when it counted. A team that got clutch plays from some admittedly unlikely suspects. It also brought a disproportionate amount of flags that still needs to be addressed, a front four that still…